
Starship troopers drop ship
Starship troopers drop ship

A scene of them in action can be seen in the anime adaptation.

starship troopers drop ship

Once the soldiers are deployed the Pods self-destruct by cutting off the enzymes needed to sustain the flesh, causing it to decay. They also have automatic weapons built into the "legs" to clear the landing zone.

  • The HALO Intruder Pods used in Genocidal Organ by Project ITOH are made of artificial flesh that shapes in the form needed to cushion the impact or glide in the direction needed.
  • Artemis Fowl inverts this by having fairies that live near the Earth's core climb into metal pods and ride magma flares up to the surface.
  • The series presents it as a signature move of the Ghost Brigades, although a handful of regular Colonial Defense Forces soldiers have also done it.
  • Old Man's War combines this with It's Raining Men: Troopers dive from a spaceship using what is essentially a backpack full of nanobots (the visual similarity to a backpack parachute is Lampshaded) which first form a heatshield for re-entry, and then reconfigure into either a parachute or a parasail for final landing.
  • The pods are little more than shipping crates with landing thrusters attached.
  • Used for both Space Marine and Real Robot deployments in The History of the Galaxy series, usually from Marine Assault Modules (basically, Drop Ships with tons of guns for clearing the area and battering down heavy fortifications prior to the land assault), when the MM itself can't land.
  • They proceed to use them to insert an infiltration team onto recently-captured Coruscant despite the massive enemy fleet presence.

    starship troopers drop ship

  • In the New Jedi Order novel Rebel Dream, special guest stars Wraith Squadron unveil their latest devices: one-man covert drop pods (really little more than shells) that are designed to mimic spaceborne debris falling to a planet.
  • Wells has the Martians using drop pods that contain the materials necessary to build their tripods. It is worth noting that in the book, the pods were launched by being fired out of a tube like torpedos, in the opposite direction the ship was orbiting, to help them slow down enough for reentry.
  • Like many Space Marine tropes, the Trope Maker here is Starship Troopers.

  • Starship troopers drop ship